Chocolate Chip
Ajuga reptans
The Chocolate Chip plant, also known as Chocolate Chip Bugleweed, is a unique flowering perennial that can grow where most plants don't. Ajuga reptans thrives in full or partial shade, making it an excellent plant in Austin landscaping. Many Austin landscapers use Chocolate Chip in hard-to-grow spots like shady walkways and beds.
The Chocolate Chip plant is an aptly named ground-hugging perennial. It grows low, reaching only heights of four to six inches. But it spreads quickly and can serve as beautiful ground cover in areas with poor sun exposure. The plant gets its name from its distinct look.
Instead of the standard full-green foliage you expect in Austin landscaping plants, Chocolate chip has oval-shaped leaves of brown and burgundy. The leaves emerge as deep green in the early spring but take on the signature color scheme as the growing season progresses. The best part? Chocolate Chip is an evergreen plant. Therefore, you can enjoy the beauty of Ajuga reptans even when there are no blooms.